


Taking direct action to combat climate change in 雅典 and Southeast Ohio

Join today to be part of our group that is working to create an engaged and sustainable campus and community!


The 可持续发展办公室 Administration Hub proudly sponsors the 气候及可持续发展大使. 大使是由Dr. Ryan Fogt in the spring of 2019 alongside the launch of the 可持续行政中心.

大使们整个秋季学期都在参与, 促进, and hosting events on campus 促进 a more sustainable newbb电子平台.

在春季学期,大使们仍然在校园里, 而是把重点放在俄亥俄州东南部的周边社区.

进入2023年春季学期, 我们很高兴能与地区组织合作, like Community 食物 倡议 and 雅典 City Schools to maximize our involvement in community operations dedicated to improving life and action toward environmental action goals!

We are always excited and inspired by the work that we are able to do throughout the school year! 以下是我们去年的一些亮点:

  • 在过去的三个学期里,我们迎来了34位新大使!
  • 在我们新的和继续任职的大使们的帮助下, 在过去的两个学期里,我们志愿参加了24次活动!
  • 这24个志愿活动最终都会成为一段美好的时光, 在志愿者之间, 我们总共计算了296小时的志愿者时间!

The Ambassadors are active and always welcoming new members who want to be part of change and action in the area!


  • We are not a club; we have no elections or formal leadership structure.
  • 我们的商务会议一个月不超过一次.
  • We ask that participating community members attend 3 events (excluding business meetings) every semester.
  • 我们有时间做志愿者, 或者校外活动,促进俄亥俄州和地球的绿色未来.
  • We primarily communicate via a Friday email and our OneDrive Shared Space (you can find the link below!).
  • Members decide what events they want to participate in and t在这里 are always opportunities for every interest and schedule.
  • Some activities are available to students and non-student community members! 申请查询.


收听我们最新的可持续发展系列播客 在这里






学术兴趣:我对人与环境的相互作用充满热情. 人们与自然环境互动的方式, 从城市规划到户外休闲, are so important for our quality of life and the quality of our environment. I care about sustainability on every scale, from city planning to environmental politics.

Why I decided to join Ambassadors: I wanted to find an organization that put sustainability into practice on campus, 而CSA就是这样. 为开放大学学生和雅典周边地区带来切实可行的改变, 大使向社区展示可持续发展的意义.

What I found valuable about Ambassadors: I feel connected to a community of like-minded people through Ambassadors, 无论是在公开大学还是在雅典地区. Last year’s 地球日 festivities are a great example of this—so many of us came together to create a fun atmosp在这里 central to our mission. I also enjoyed volunteering with the 可持续发展办公室 at the Pawpaw Festival last year and loved getting our message out t在这里 in the community!

它是如何将我与其他校园活动联系起来的:上学期, my friend Riley and I took the idea of stewardship and created a club focused on trash collection. It is called OU Weekend Clean-up Crew, and each Sunday we go out and collect trash around campus. 我也非常喜欢户外活动, 很快就要接受带领背包旅行的训练了!

Picture of 西莉亚鹰 in an agricultural field holding a farm tool with mountains and trees in the background.


My name is 西莉亚鹰 and I am a second-year environmental studies student within the Honors Tutorial College. I am pursuing minors in Outdoor Recreation and Education as well as Political Science. I am very interested in the political dimensions of climate change policy. 我对可持续农业和食物获取也很感兴趣. I decided to join the Ambassadors during my first week on campus as a freshman. I wanted to learn more about sustainability on campus and connect with other people who had the same passion for sustainability as I do. The Ambassadors organization has been very valuable for me because it has helped me learn about volunteer opportunities surrounding sustainability on campus and in the community. The Ambassadors program introduced me to organizations such as Community 食物 倡议 - a group I love to volunteer with and support. 我的经历很充实. I get to spend time getting directly involved with sustainable initiatives, 而不是只在课堂上学习. The Ambassadors group has also helped me meet many sustainably minded people from campus and the community which has helped me develop connections for personal sustainable projects such as the club I co-host: the 雅典 Hub of the Sunrise Movement. 



你好! 我叫艾莉·克里格! I am a junior Environmental Science and Sustainability major with a specific interest in agriculture. I decided to join the Ambassadors because I was looking for a way be a part of the sustainability movement on campus. The most valuable thing about being an Ambassador is the rewarding feeling you get after helping others. This group has allowed me to meet really cool people from my major as well as connected me to different organizations that align with my career goals. 

Posed picture of 艾伦·爱德华兹 in jean jacket and white dress with nature background


I am a sophomore majoring in Environmental Science and Sustainability with a Communications minor. I knew I wanted to become an Ambassador when I saw the table at my Bobcat Student Orientation before I was a freshman, 当时我正在寻找环境科学俱乐部. I reconnected again with the Ambassadors at the Involvement Fair when I was officially a freshman on campus. I’ve enjoyed participating in meaningful sustainable work while being an Ambassador. 我很欣赏这个团队的组织方式, 因为整个学期都会发布事件, 这样你就可以计划一下,看看你想参加什么活动. 绿色游戏等活动, 在体育赛事期间,你把可回收物从垃圾桶里转移出来, 感觉对我们的校园非常有影响力. I also feel that I’ve learned a lot about what sustainability can look like on a college campus. The most important way to encourage sustainability really is to communicate with others and get involved!